Your Online Safety Checklist: How to Spot a Scam

<h5>Your Online Safety Checklist: How to Spot a Scam</h5>

Hello, online warriors!
Ready to embark on a mission to ensure your online safety? Here's your checklist:
Check for Secure Website Certificates:
Before entering any personal information, ensure the website is secure. Look for "https://" and a padlock icon in the address bar.

Verify Vendor Contact Information:
A legitimate vendor provides clear and verifiable contact information. If it's missing or inconsistent, proceed with caution.

Research Reviews and Ratings:
What do fellow shoppers say? Dive into reviews on platforms like Trustpilot to get insights into the vendor's reputation.

Let's make the internet a safer place to shop!
#OnlineSafety #AvoidScams #SafetyFirst #1knairaTips

Category  Stop Scammers
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Date Posted   9 months ago