I'm saddened by GSK leaving Nigeria and the job losses.Pete Obi

I'm saddened by GSK leaving Nigeria and the job losses.Pete Obi

Peter Obi, the Labour Party's presidential candidate in the election for president on February 25, expressed sorrow over GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) decision to leave Nigeria after 51 years of business. In a series of tweets sent on Saturday, Obi claimed that the company's justification for departing portends a bleak future for the nation's investment climate."Today, I was dismayed to learn that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), after 51 years of operations, is leaving Nigeria, the man added.
Their explanation for leaving Nigeria is even more depressing because they no longer see any productivity-based future progress for the nation.
The former governor of Anambra state agreed, saying that this is a time in our country's development when local businesses are closing and global corporations are departing.
All of this, he claimed, was the product of poor economic management, which also led to millions of job losses and an increase in our poverty rate despite us already holding the title of the world's poorest country.
Obi added, "These multinationals departing our country not only produce jobs but also enormous training that greatly aids in the development of our human capital.
"GSK, which has a production facility located in Agbara on more than 25 hectares of land, directly employed over 400 highly technical workers, including chemists, microbiologists, biochemists, chemists, dentists and doctors, in addition to employing over 1000 other staff. It indirectly gave thousands of Nigerians throughout the country chances for employment and enterprise. Now that they are moving on, more individuals are being forced back into unemployment.
The leader of the opposition party (LP) recalled his steadfast stance that "in turning our nation around, we must transform the economy from consumption to production, which meant encouraging and supporting local and foreign investments, like GSK, in the country.

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Date Posted   1 year ago