Turkish intelligence agencies assassinated an Islamic State leader in Syria.

Turkish intelligence agencies assassinated an Islamic State leader in Syria.

ISTANBUL, 30 APRIL (Reuters) – On Sunday, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan announced that Turkish intelligence forces had assassinated Islamic State leader Abu Hussein al-Qurashi in Syria. "This individual was neutralised as part of an operation carried out by the Turkish national intelligence organisation in Syria yesterday," Erdogan stated in an interview with TRT Turk. Erdogan stated that the intelligence organisation has been looking for Qurashi for a long time.According to Syrian local and security sources, the operation took place in the northern Syrian town of Jandaris, which is controlled by Turkey-backed rebel factions and was one of the most damaged by the Feb. 6 earthquake that struck both Turkey and Syria. The Syrian National Army, an opposition group with a security presence in the area, did not respond quickly. According to one local, fighting broke out on the outskirts of Jandaris overnight on Saturday and Sunday, lasting approximately an hour before neighbours heard a large explosion.

Category  World News
News Source   https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/islamic-state-leader-killed-syria-by-t
Date Posted   1 year ago