Attack on Edo Train Station: 32 Passengers Kidnapped by AK-47 Carrying Gunmen
At the Igueben train sub-station in Edo State on Saturday, gunmen are thought to have kidnapped at least 31 passengers and employees of the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC), in addition to injuring a number of others. Mr. Chris Nehikhare, the commissioner for information and orientation in the state of Edo, revealed this yesterday during a press conference. In a statement released yesterday, the state police command identified the kidnappers as AK-47-wielding herdsmen. It was confirmed that some of the passengers had been shot and that rescue efforts, including bush-sweeping, were under way to try to find the victims. The federal government described the kidnapping event at the Tom Ikimi Train Station in Igueben as abhorrent and completely cruel in its own response yesterday.
Category Local NewsNews Source
Date Posted 2 years ago