HIV positive woman calls into a radio show and makes a shocking revelation, she mixes her blood with Zobo and sells it to get people infected

HIV positive woman calls into a radio show and makes a shocking revelation, she mixes her blood with Zobo and sells it to get people infected

An unnamed HIV-positive lady confessed to mixing her blood with Zobo and selling it to infect people during a recent radio interview. The hosts of the radio show invited their listeners mostly traders to ring in to confess wrongdoing that no one knows about and express regret in a video that has gone viral on social media. The startling admission was made by the woman who called in. I went to the hospital, the woman said in pidgin English. I have been told I have HIV. I lacked the resources to pamper myself. I began gathering my blood, adding it to the zobo, and beginning to sell it to numerous people. She claimed to have promised herself she would not die alone and that God will forgive her. She said she has been doing it for six months.

Category  Health and Wellness
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Date Posted   1 year ago