As a 6-year-old girl allegedly dies at an Abuja school from the negligence of the swimming instructor, the family demands justice.

As a 6-year-old girl allegedly dies at an Abuja school from the negligence of the swimming instructor, the family demands justice.

A grieving family claims that their 6 year old daughter death was brought on by an Abuja school. On November 2, Modadeoluwa was taking swimming lessons at Start Rite School in Abuja when, according to her relatives, an incident resulted in her death. The family claimed that the school attempted to alter the incident CCTV footage, but they were able to obtain proof. The swimming instructor allegedly repeatedly threw the deceased into the shallow end of the pool, causing her to hit her head and suffer internal bleeding, according to a family who criticized the school on Twitter. They said that the school is still open and conducting business as usual. They requested that the authorities look into the school and make sure that justice was done.

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Date Posted   1 year ago