"The negligence of doctors resulted in the murder of my wife and unborn child." Following the death of his pregnant wife, the husband calls the Port Harcourt hospital.

"The negligence of doctors resulted in the murder of my wife and unborn child." Following the death of his pregnant wife, the husband calls the Port Harcourt hospital.

A grieving husband has claimed that doctors at a hospital in Port Harcourt killed his pregnant wife and their unborn child. When Johnny De Goodman drove his wife to the hospital on November 6 to give birth, the doctor informed him that she was only 5 cm dilated and that she needed to be 10 cm dilated before being transported to the delivery room. He claimed that on the morning of November 7, the doctor had told him that if surgery was not done, there would be issues because the baby was in discomfort and had defecated within the womb. He added that although both he and his wife had approved the surgery, his wife had still not been wheeled in for the procedure an hour later. After he asked, he said the doctor told him that other medics who needed to be present for the surgery were not around. By 6 am, he said he saw the doctor signing over to another doctor and when he inquired, the doctor told him his shift was over. The doctor also told him that his wife may not need surgery. His wife was finally taken in for surgery by 8:30 am, more than three hours after the previous doctor said she needed surgery urgently. By 11 am, he said he was informed that his wife heart stopped beating after they gave her drugs in preparation for the surgery. He blamed his wife and baby died on the doctors carelessness, negligence, and wickedness Read his posts below. My wife and unborn baby were murdered by the negligence of doctors. Husband calls out Port Harcourt hospital following pregnant wife My wife and unborn baby were murdered by the negligence of doctors Husband calls out Port Harcourt hospital following pregnant wife My wife and unborn baby were murdered by the negligence of doctors. Husband calls out Port Harcourt hospital following pregnant wife

Category  Rants
News Source   https://www.lindaikejisblog.com/2022/11/my-wife-and-unborn-baby
Date Posted   1 year ago