Pope Francis acknowledges that Catholic priests and nuns watch internet porn

Pope Francis acknowledges that Catholic priests and nuns watch internet porn

Pope Francis has acknowledged that Catholic nuns and priests engage in online pornography. On Monday, October 26, Pope Francis remarked in a speech to seminarians in Rome that internet porn was a vice that churchgoers shared. The 85 year old Pope declared It is a vice that many people, many laymen, many laywomen, as well as priests and nuns, have. The Devil gets in the way like that. And I am not simply referring to degenerate criminal pornography like that which involves the abuse of children. However, with a little regular pornography, he continued Priests and nuns were warned by Dear brothers, be careful about this, by him. As reported by ANSA, the Pope made the comments on Monday. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines pornography as having sexual content as an offense against chastity under article 2354. In 2020, Pope Francis Instagram account appeared to like a racy photo of a Brazilian bikini model dressed in stockings and suspenders The model, Natalie Garibotto, said the pontiff verified Franciscus account was among the thousands that liked the October 5 image. The account subsequently unliked the photo, shortly before the Vatican said it was launching an inquiry as the Pope social media accounts are managed by a team. At least I am going to heaven, she joked after the incident drew attention on social media.

Category  Religion
News Source   https://www.lindaikejisblog.com/2022/10/
Date Posted   1 year ago