5 negative effects of excessive masturbation on the body.

5 negative effects of excessive masturbation on the body.

How frequently a person can masturbate every week is an issue that medical researchers have already addressed. Masturbation is a frequent occurrence. It is a healthy and generally risk free way to experience pleasure and let go of pent up sexual tension. People from all backgrounds, genders, and races experience it. Contrary to popular belief, masturbation has no negative physical side effects. On the other hand, excessive masturbation can have a negative effect on your relationships and daily activities. Masturbation is a pleasurable, acceptable, and healthy act aside from that. 1. Loss of memory Dopamine is released in the brain in excess as a result of excessive masturbation. As a result, memory loss occurs. (2) Early ejaculation Premature ejaculation is also linked to excessive masturbation. Men find it very challenging to control the release of sperm if they masturbate a lot. 3. Hair Loss Yes, excessive masturbation causes hair loss in men. Do you masturbate more than 5 times a week You have finally got the reason for your hair fall. 4. Affects Sex Life This is linked with the above-mentioned point of premature ejaculation. As too much masturbation dampens the pleasure, it hence has the capacity to destroy your sex life completely. 5. Energy loss Masturbating needs a lot of energy. Increased weakness is an output of excessive masturbation. As blood flows to our genitals we lose blood for producing the sperm we just masturbated.

Category  Health and Wellness
News Source   https://www.pulse.ng/lifestyle/beauty-health/masturbation
Date Posted   1 year ago