Five natural methods to help you lose belly fat

Five natural methods to help you lose belly fat

Many people have problem areas in their stomachs, and while diet and exercise are the best ways to lose belly fat, there are several home cures that can also be effective. Since having a large stomach increases your chances of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and several malignancies, losing belly fat will also be very good for your health. Because the fat in your abdomen is also a sign of large levels of visceral fat, having belly fat raises your chance of developing these potentially fatal illnesses (fat around your organs). The danger of developing a major health problem is increased by the inflammatory compounds that visceral fat produces more of than general fat (subcutaneous fat). A flat tummy is also highly desired by those who wish to highlight the curves of their hips and bum. Home Remedies For a Flat Tummy: 1. How to get rid of belly fat with ginger Ginger is not only a natural digestive aid that helps with nausea and an upset stomach, it is also thermogenic, meaning it increases your body’s temperature so that you burn fat more efficiently. Ginger also suppresses the production of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Stress can accelerate weight gain, so ginger can help prevent this mechanism and aid weight loss. Drinking ginger tea daily may really help you lose belly fat. The ingredients you need to make ginger tea are     1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger     2 cups of water     1 tablespoon of raw honey or pure maple syrup     juice from half of a lemon Put the water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then add the ginger, and turn off the heat. Place the lid on the pot and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Next, strain the tea into a mug, and then add the lemon juice and sweetener before mixing. 2. How to get rid of belly fat with honey Using honey as your sweetener of choice, rather than refined sugar, can aid weight loss. Honey can be used in smaller quantities than refined sugar, without sacrificing sweetness, and honey also contains small traces of vitamins and minerals, which are beneficial to your overall health. Try swapping out refined sugar in your drinks and on your cereals for example. 3. How to get rid of belly fat with lemon water glass-of-water-with-lemons While drinking more water keeps you fuller longer and aids weight loss in general, there is some evidence to suggest that adding lemon can also help. An article published by Healthline notes that the polyphenol antioxidants in lemon may both offset the negative effects of high blood glucose levels as well as reducing insulin resistance. A simple recipe for lemon water is 2 cups of water, with the juice of half a lemon. Squeeze the lemon into the water, grate some of the zest into the water (optional), and drink. Polyphenols are also found in limes, so they can be a great substitute for lemons if you prefer a more gentle citrus taste. You can also try adding some turmeric. It has been shown by a study in the National Library of Medicine that curcumin in turmeric may reduce weight gain. 4. How to use green tea to get rid of belly fat Green tea contains caffeine, which has been shown to aid fat burning as well as improve performance while working out. Another factor that makes green tea beneficial to weight loss is the presence of specific catechins (a type of antioxidant), which can boost your metabolism. Try swapping your morning tea or coffee for green tea. 5. How to use garlic to get rid of belly fat Garlic, like ginger, is also thermogenic, so can also increase your body temperature to help you burn fat more efficiently. Research in the Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine journal suggests that garlic can actually decrease body fat by increasing fat oxidation. Adding garlic to your savory foods is an easy way to up your intake, while you can also try the unusual combination of garlic and honey, and combine the weight loss properties of both ingredients. What you will need is 3-4 heads of garlic, 1 cup of raw honey, and a small mason jar. Start by separating the heads of garlic into individual cloves. Do not peel the cloves, just remove the outer layer. Fill the jar with the unpeeled garlic cloves. Then slowly pour the honey over the cloves. Use a spoon to make sure there are not any air bubbles. Make sure that all of the cloves are covered with honey, and then put the lid on. Allow the honey to infuse for a few days in the fridge or at room temperature and take a spoonful of the combined daily on an empty stomach.

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Date Posted   1 year ago