Aviation employees launch a national protest

Aviation employees launch a national protest

Currently, aviation workers are protesting around the nation against what they call obnoxious laws. aviation employees launch a national protest The demonstration is happening simultaneously in every airport in the federation, according to Ben Nnabue, president of the National Union of Air Transport Employees (NUATE). aviation employees launch a national protest Nnabue gave the federal government a 14 day deadline to look into their demands or face a full-fledged strike that could shut down airport operations. Nnabue revealed that they are demanding the removal of a clause in an act establishing aviation agencies that seek to prevent trade unions from protesting. aviation employees launch a national protest He stated he visited the national assembly at some point last year to amend the acts establishing agencies.

Category  Travel Digest
News Source   https://www.lindaikejisblog.com/2022/9/aviation-workers
Date Posted   2 years ago