After having intercourse with both on the same day, the woman claims that a paternity test reveals that her twins are the product of two fathers.

After having intercourse with both on the same day, the woman claims that a paternity test reveals that her twins are the product of two fathers.

A 19 year old woman claims she had intercourse with both men on the same day and gave birth to twins from two different fathers. The young mother did a paternity test to determine the father of her children, and she was shocked to learn that her children were the products of two separate fathers. According to local media, the woman, who prefers anonymity and is from Mineiros, Brazil, had intercourse with two separate guys on the same day and became pregnant from both of them. She allegedly stated the outcomes startled me. I had no idea that this was possible. They have a lot in common. Her physician, Tulio Jorge Franco, noted that her situation is exceedingly unusual 

Category  Child Care
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Date Posted   2 years ago