Clergyman Chris Okotie -"Jesus instructed me not to get married again."

Clergyman Chris Okotie -"Jesus instructed me not to get married again."

Chris Okotie, the senior pastor of the Household of God Church International Ministries, has declared his lack of interest in remarrying. This was said by the 64 year old cleric in an interview with BBC Pidgin. He claims that Jesus informed him that the question of his marriage was resolved. Since Jesus has already confirmed that my first marriage has ended, I will not get married again. I was a university student when I was saved and when I was born again. I was unable to comprehend God plan for my life. I referred to you as Paul. At that point, I tried to stop you, but you were unreceptive. I want you to dedicate your life to me and the mission I have called you to.

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Date Posted   2 years ago